Archive for 2012

He's Gay, So What?

posted by Zenith

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Everyday there are people who are being oppressed by the law, by religion and even my their color. And sadly, there are also people around the world who are angered because of their sexuality. Gays and lesbians in particular are being bombarded by their brothers, sisters, parents and friends who have been blinded by stereotyping. They are topics of discrimination, hate and disrespect. These helpless individuals lost their self-worth because of some book that was written 3500 years ago. They have been deprived from equality because of people who plays God with their speech and sermons. I'm a christian and honestly, I too was against same sex relationships. But why do I feel pity to people who didn't choose to be gay or lesbians in the first place? Do you think they just commit themselves to feel affection to people in the same sex? What if no matter how hard they try they can't change the fact that they are like that? That they differ from what you normally conceive? Would you hate? Would you stay ignorant and drop bombs to act cool? 

Don't be so damn insensitive. Hear them out. Listen and open your mind to the disease that eats our society. God loves His people regardless of color, race nor sexuality. It's stupid that even the Church preach hate  and deviate us from equality which is the same reason why wars and conflicts are endless. Here's a video a friend (not gay) shared to me earlier and I was moved so much that it made me wrote my first blog update after almost seven months LOL!

We should try to be open-minded and perceive beyond the limits of our principles, ideas and religion. I consider myself lucky for being straight but I admire those who stand their ground despite their unlabeled sexuality. 

Love is patient, love is kind.

Pity is not Sympathy

posted by Zenith on

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It's not unusual why there are people who trolls all over social networks and post endless rants which involve themselves, their beliefs and their understanding about something not even worth a topic. The internet is free and we can do almost everything anonymously. We can pick fights, flame, play know-it-all and do the most popular one - become a hater. However, these people don't care what others may think since they don't reveal their real identities online. In fact, these people do these things as past times, for fun or no reason at all lol.  But how about in a "real people's" perspective? Why in God's name do they have to post something that could stir up the whole network?  One thing for sure - attention. 

Are you f*cking Eminem? Do you have thousands of subscribers in your account? Sadly, the truth is, these people fish for sympathy. You can ask me why and I'll give you three solid reasons. One - they probably have dozens of pets but no real friends. Two - no girlfriend since birth and in the brink for "forever alone" status. Three - see themselves as the only righteous ones. Sorry to burst your bubble pal but you can't get someone's sympathy over night. Sympathy is earned by years of companionship. Truth be told but even if you have zillions of friends, only a handful of them can show you sympathy. Most of them only shows pity. True friends feel that you're going through a difficult time even without ranting or posting shit on social networks. They don't need words nor clues, coz true friends come uninvited.

Sympathy is the best gift you can probably get from real friends (well of course you can also get it from pets). I'm not throwing darts, just a little something to ponder for everyone. Instead of trying your best to get sympathy, why don't you try your best to be someone's friend first?

It's Happy New Year With A Bang!

posted by Zenith

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It's always great to end the year happy and satisfied with what you've accomplished after 12 months of hard work and sacrifices. Despite a tough first quarter, 2011 ended like nothing I expected. Though I lost some, the friends I gained were very assuring. Now I know what a friend is truly like and I value them like my own family. The bond we have made me feel like there's a bad-ass gang waiting to back me up in case I'm stuck in a flinch. That's how it should be and how life is with friends you can count on. 

My career also leveled up significantly when I started to get out there on my own. I created my own team and learned a lot along the way. My verbal skills also improved drastically thanks to Gerd, Jay and Patrick who never get tired of talking to me via Skype :) Though I never actually hired someone, friends and acquaintances are popping out of nowhere who desperately need a job to earn some dough. Somehow they knew about my freelancing offers and give it a try. For me it's a humble deed to help a friend in need and for them it's a great opportunity to work at home. It's a win-win :)

I never asked but somehow a Friend up there is watching over me. Who would've imagined that I can hook up with one of the largest UK based SEO companies? I don't think I deserved such blessing but I'm very thankful something big came to me and helped me in so many ways. 

Right now, Darz and I are training new team members while managing around 25 clients for I say 2011 is my career's first ever milestone and I do hope my life's journey as a professional will continue to rise in the years to come. 

Happy New Year Everyone!